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Choosing a medical malpractice attorney in NYC can be a daunting task. After all, the job of such an attorney is to help you recover damages for injuries or death caused by negligence on the part of medical personnel. Because these professionals are trained to take care of patients and have put in years of training and education, you need to feel confident that you have someone on your side fighting for your rights. You should also be sure that you are choosing a reputable lawyer to represent you so that you can be sure he or she will fight hard for you.

A medical malpractice attorney in NYC is probably not going to look too kindly at you if you choose someone who does not have the best credentials when it comes to medical law. Also, you should choose someone who has a good record of winning such cases. Otherwise, there is no point in appointing such an attorney. Your safety and that of your family come first. That is why you need to find one who is willing to go the extra mile and put in the extra effort to help you win your case.

One of the first steps to take when looking for a medical malpractice attorney in NYC is to check with your state Bar Association. There is likely to be a list of lawyers in your area who are approved to practice there. Check with them for more information on who they recommend. The Bar Association also has a list of approved doctors, surgeons and other medical practitioners who are qualified to practice in the state of New York. If you find one or more names of doctors, it would be worthwhile to call them up and ask them as many questions as possible so that you get a better idea of how their services compare with others.

Once you have a list of doctors and surgeons whom you can check out, start calling each one. Ask them about their background and experience in medicine. You may want to ask if they are registered members of the American Medical Association. A good medical malpractice attorney in NYC will treat you with respect and provide you with honest answers. You should feel comfortable talking to them so do not be afraid to ask anything that may give you concern about how they do business.

Once you have some leads, call all of them. It is a good idea to talk with a few different medical malpractice attorneys in New York City before making a final appointment. Get an idea of the fees they charge for a medical malpractice case. You might also want to ask them about their record of winning cases.

When you do make an appointment with a medical malpractice attorney in New York City, it is important that you set up a time to meet face-to-face. Many of us do our shopping online these days but that is not a good idea when it comes to a medical malpractice attorney in New York City. You don’t know how your lawyer will be able to contact you or if he will even be able to get a hold of you during your busy work week. So it is best to meet in person so that you can discuss your case and decide if this is the right choice for you.

Once you have met with a medical malpractice attorney in New York City, if you do not feel comfortable with him or her, then don’t sign anything. Take the time to think about it. If you do not feel comfortable with your potential lawyer, then do not sign any documents. This will give you the ability to shop for another medical malpractice attorney in New York City if you choose to do so. Remember, if you are not completely satisfied with your first medical malpractice attorney in New York City, then it is important to select another one.

When you do meet with a medical malpractice attorney in New York City, you want to make sure that you are comfortable from the very beginning. Don’t sign any papers without meeting with your lawyer. During this initial meeting, it is important that you both figure out a timeline for your medical malpractice claim. You may even want to discuss a payment plan or even settlement if you feel as though the initial meeting went well. The bottom line is that if you have had a medical malpractice claim before, you want to make sure that you are comfortable with your medical malpractice attorney in New York City.


Joseph T. Mullen, Jr & Associates
30 Vesey St, New York, NY 10007
(212) 766-1177
Schedule your free consultation now

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