When a person is attacked sexually, it is often termed “sexual assault.” This term is broad enough to cover cases where a person is violated in the workplace or other public settings. Sexual assaults can be violent and/or non-sexual in nature. In all cases, an individual who files a sexual assault lawsuit must show proof that he or she was the victim of a wrongful act. The plaintiff (the one filing the lawsuit) must be able to prove that he or she was subjected to an act of sexual assault.

The most common plaintiff to file a lawsuit against is the one who has been victimized due to the negligence of another party. For example, if a man is walking on a sidewalk while having his photograph taken by a professional photographer, and he gets attacked from behind, he has a claim to file against the photographer for negligence.

The same goes if a man is attacked while jogging in Central Park with a group of men, or if he is a guest in a hotel room and is assaulted by a guest who shouldn’t have been there. In both instances, if the plaintiff can prove that the defendant (the one who injured him) was negligent, he has a case to file. In civil suits, the aim of civil litigation is to seek monetary compensation for injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.

If you were sexually harassed in a New York City workplace, you should know that there are different lawsuits to file based on the type of harassment. If you have been harassed via e-mail, then a suit against the e-mail provider is highly recommended. However, if you have been harassed via phone call, then a suit against the person who harassed you is more likely to succeed.

If you have received a sexual assault lawsuit, then the first thing you should do is consult with New York sexual assault lawyers. Many victims feel reluctant to go to the police with their complaints because they don’t want to be associated with the accused, or they don’t want to suffer another trauma. But going to the police can really help you. Remember that you are not a helpless victim; there are lawyers who specialize in this kind of cases.

You will find that lawyers who are experienced in handling this kind of lawsuits usually work on a contingency fee basis, which means that they only receive a percentage of the settlement amount if their client wins the lawsuit. This percentage is usually about 50%. Since many victims fear talking to the police, a consultation with experienced sexual assault lawyers is necessary so he or she can guide you in talking freely about your ordeal.

During the consultation, your attorney will ask about what happened during the attack. He will also ask about details about the relationship between the assailant and the victim, as well as how the assault happened and whether or not there were any warning signs. Your attorney will also ask about details about the assailant’s behavior prior to the attack, as well as details about the alleged acts committed by his or her friend.

The next step, your lawyer will take after determining that a victim has legitimate grounds for pursuing a civil lawsuit is assessing the personal and financial losses suffered by the victim. In addition, your attorney will assess the emotional damages caused by the attack. Emotional damages include such damages as depression and anxiety, as well as the inability to sleep.

These losses may prevent the victim from working in certain situations, resulting in lost wages. The other losses that can be assessed are the victim’s medical expenses incurred due to the attack, which may include bills related to treatment and medication.

Once all the necessary paperwork is in place, your attorney will file a complaint against the person who allegedly committed the sexual assaults. Your attorney will also file a counter-complaint if the person who allegedly committed the crimes is an employee at the same organization where the victim works.

Additionally, your attorney may also join an investigation of the company or business where the alleged perpetrator worked. This type of investigation may lead to further information that helps you in preparing your lawsuit. However, your attorney cannot confirm the name of the person who committed the crime or verify the information provided by the victim, until all the paperwork is filed with the court.

In cases where the crime is not committed by someone who works for the same organization in which you work, or if you were not employed by the victim, your lawsuit will be processed through the courts system. In instances where you are filing on your own behalf, your Brooklyn attorney will collect all pertinent information regarding the incident and then turn it over to the district attorney’s office for potential prosecution.

In most cases, a sexual assault lawsuit will be denied in its attempts to gain monetary damages due to statute of limitations issues. If the crime was committed more than two years ago, your Brooklyn lawyer may inform the court that you do not have enough evidence to support a lawsuit. This means that you could be unable to seek monetary damages due to the statute of limitations. In some instances, your Brooklyn attorney will advise you to file a motion to dismiss due to the statute of limitations issue.

sexual assault lawyers nyc

Choosing the right Sexual Assault lawyers in New York City

Sexual Assault lawyers are lawyers that specialize in defending sexual assault charges. Sexual assault is defined as any instance of unwanted sexual contact perpetrated against a person. This includes touching, rape, molestation, or fondling. Sadly, thousands of men and women fall victim to sexual attacks every single year.

There are many benefits to hiring sexual assault lawyers. These lawyers will help you receive fair compensation for your pain and suffering. They will represent you in court so that you do not have to worry about being charged with a crime. You may even be able to recover compensation from the other person who was responsible for the attack because of the type of injury or scars you sustained.

There are several benefits to hiring sexual assault lawyers. The first benefit is that you will be able to receive recompense for any trauma suffered as the result of being violated. Many people who have been attacked did not report the crime out of fear of having their wages garnished or having other penalties imposed on them. Victims should not have to worry about going on a jury and being put under scrutiny as a potential juror because they were sexually assaulted.

The second benefit to hiring sexual assault lawyers is that they will be able to help you get compensation for your damages. If you have been attacked, you may have sustained physical wounds as a result of the attack. In many cases, the assault has caused lifelong effects on the victim. If you have been able to retain an attorney, they may be able to use any and all evidence to press charges against the attacker. The attorney will be able to review any photos or police reports that may be able to substantiate the case against the attacker.

The third benefit to hiring sexual assault lawyers is to prevent further attacks from occurring. These civil charges are often used to prosecute a person who engages in similar activities with others. If you are convicted of these charges, the court can impose life sentences or other harsh consequences.

The fourth benefit to hiring a legal team to fight a sexual assault charge is that the victim will be able to take legal action against the defendant. If the attack was a result of consenting sex, the court can hold the person responsible for involuntary sexual abuse charges. This means that he or she could be held criminally responsible for touching, holding down, or abusing the victim based on the victim’s consenting to such touching. The court can also hold the person accountable for involuntary sex abuse stemming from incidents when the victim did not give consent.

Lastly, victims of this type of assault can receive compensation from the party who committed the crime. It is important to note that only civil court proceedings will be present. Criminal court proceedings will not be able to be handled through civil court systems. In instances where no victim is present, compensation can be awarded by the civil court system.

The above are just some of the benefits that sexual assault charges can bring to victims. Hiring an attorney who specializes in sex crime cases can make all the difference in whether victims are able to receive justice and compensation. Contact a rape attorney who understands the intricacies of filing civil suits and filing a claim against a party who violated the law.

Unfortunately, many victims do not seek out representation for sexual assault charges due to embarrassment or fear. Unfortunately, these victims are often the ones who suffer the most. For these people, being able to press criminal charges against a perpetrator allows them to bring the abuser to justice and bring an end to the abuse. Pressing charges against someone who has abused others is a vital step towards justice and equality.

By seeking representation, victims are not only able to pursue justice against their perpetrator, but they may also be able to receive compensation for their suffering. Unfortunately, many victims are hesitant to contact civil suits due to embarrassment or fear. As a result, many crimes go unreported, go unchecked, and victims are subject to further abuse. Thanks to the increased awareness and resources that have been created in recent years, victims can file claims against their assailant in a civil court and work to obtain justice and equity.

Sexual Assault lawyers are attorneys who assist clients who have been accused of committing a sex crime. These attorneys not only aim to secure justice for their client’s rights, but they also aid their clients in pursuing the charges against their suspects so that they may be held accountable for their crimes. In the past, victims were reluctant to pursue justice against their assailants due to embarrassment or fear. However, the rise of new technologies and resources in recent years has helped victims pursue justice and accountability against their assailants.

Contact one of our Sexual Assault Lawyers

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  • $4,221,000 verdict for woman who was raped
  • $1,150,000 settlement for worker who sustained a spinal injury after falling off a U-Haul truck while painting ($1,000,000 insurance policy)
  • $750,000 settlement for passenger in motor vehicle accident who sustained injuries to her knee, shoulder and hip that required surgery
  • $325,000 settlement for woman who sustained burn injuries from a steam pipe in her bathroom
  • $240,000 verdict for passenger in motor vehicle accident that sustained a shoulder injury requiring surgery, neck and back herniations. Plaintiff had prior suit claiming permanent injury to same parts of her body
  • $100,000 verdict for driver in motor vehicle accident that sustained neck and back injuries whose treatment consisted of four months of physical therapy


  • $5,500,000 settlement during trial for parochial school students who were exposed to teacher with Tuberculosis
  • $4,000,000 settlement for construction worker who sustained bilateral ankle fractures requiring open reduction and internal fixation
  • $3,825,000 settlement for wife and children of September 11 World Trade Center victim whose remains were never recovered (pro bono representation)
  • $3,800,000 settlement in medical malpractice action for brain-damaged baby with cerebral palsy and seizures resulting from oxygen deprivation to and water on the brain at birth
  • $3,500,000 settlement for three sisters who were sexually abused by another foster child in the foster home after being placed in foster care by the city of New York
  • $2,400,000 settlement after trial and appeal for union electrician who sustained partial amputations to fingers on both hands when 800 pound spool of cable broke free while being lowered down stairs with make-shift rope pulley — expanded the coverage of Section 240(1) of the Labor Law to include “force of gravity on objects” in addition to falling worker/falling object cases
  • $2,225,000 settlement for pedestrian struck by motor vehicle resulting in 26-day coma, skull fracture, traumatic brain injury, numerous fractures and impaired cognitive and perceptive functions
  • $1,800,000 settlement for construction worker who fell from scaffold and fractured forearm and wrist requiring 3 surgeries and internal fixations
  • $1,700,000 settlement for construction worker who fell off ladder and required spinal surgery with internal fixation that failed
  • $1,450,000 settlement for construction worker who fell through unprotected skylight on roof sustaining arm and leg fractures
  • $1,240,000 settlement for 18- year old as the result of medical malpractice in failing to diagnose cancer
  • $1,000,000 settlement for construction worker who fell down debris-filled staircase at construction site with no handrail resulting in neck surgery, back and hip injuries
  • $1,000,000 settlement for passenger in motor vehicle that was rear-ended resulting in spinal surgery with fusion and internal fixation
  • $950,000 settlement for passenger on interstate bus involved in a collision resulting in traumatic brain injury
  • $875,000 settlement for children of mother who died as a result of failure to diagnose and treat Crohn’s Disease
  • $745,000 settlement for motorcyclist struck by NYPD vehicle resulting in hip and ankle fractures, both of which required open reduction and internal fixation
  • $700,000 settlement for pedestrian who slipped and fell on sidewalk that was not properly shoveled/treated after ice and snow storm resulting in severely comminuted and displaced right arm fracture requiring open reduction and internal fixation and additional surgeries
  • $500,000 settlement for tenant of apartment building who tripped and fell while descending stairs that had just been mopped resulting in fractured left shoulder and multiple surgeries
  • $500,000 settlement for home healthcare worker who tripped and fell due to mis-leveled elevator resulting in closed head injury, impaired cognitive functions, neck, shoulder and back injuries
  • $390,000 settlement for passenger in Police Department van that ran red light and struck another vehicle resulting in injuries to neck, back and shoulder
  • $350,000 settlement for motorist who sustained injuries to neck, back and shoulder when tree fell on his vehicle
  • $275,000 settlement for pedestrian who tripped and fell on raised sidewalk flag resulting in tri-malleolar fracture of ankle requiring open reduction and internal fixation
  • $260,000 settlement for pedestrian who was thrown to the ground by unrestrained dog and sustained fracture to hip which required surgical pinning and fracture to spine
  • $250,000 settlement for commuter who tripped and fell on defective step on staircase in Penn Station resulting in multiple shoulder tears requiring surgical intervention and fractured rib
  • $240,000 settlement for pedestrian crossing street who was struck in crosswalk by turning bus resulting in crush injuries and fractures to her hand
  • $225,000 settlement for bystander who was assaulted by police officers and detained without being arrested who sustained injuries to his face, hand and legs