If you feel that you or someone else has been discriminated against or offended in any way because of your gender, religious beliefs, or race, you may be able to file a civil rights lawsuit against the person or company responsible. Every year, many people find themselves the victim of illegal discrimination, harassment, and violence based on these same facts. Whether it’s being denied housing or promoted at work or being abused on a job site, or even a simple sidewalk comment, a civil rights lawsuit can help you fight back.

New York is one of the most diverse states in the country, with residents from every part of the world living and working in New York City. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, “New York State has also experienced an increase in its minority population, which has increased the need for legal assistance in resolving cases of racial or other discriminatory harassment, sometimes brought against employers.”

New York City is home to the first all-gay municipal council in America, as well as a large number of artists and musicians from all cultures and backgrounds. Because of this, there have been an increasing number of incidents of bias-motivated crimes, many of which are directly related to the victim’s culture or religion. A civil rights lawsuit can help you seek justice, no matter what role you play in New York City.

One of the first things you should do when you suspect you have been discriminated against or harassed based on your gender, race, age, sexual orientation, or other protected categories is to consult with a qualified, experienced civil rights lawyers in New York City.

A skilled lawyer will assess your case and discuss the best route to pursue. For example, if you believe that you were severely discriminated against while applying for jobs in the new York city, you may wish to consult with an employment lawyer who is familiar with New York employment law.

If you are the victim of police brutality, a criminal law attorney specializing in this area can assist you. In either case, if you choose not to retain a lawyer, your rights may be infringed upon and you could risk serious legal consequences. You should only retain an attorney if you are being harmed or if you can no longer afford to pay for the attorney’s services.

If you have experienced police brutality or other civil rights cases in the past, you should compile a list of all the lawyers in your area that specialize in these areas. Contact each of the lawyers and ask them about your case. It is important that you ask about the attorney’s track record, his success rate, his fees, and his ability to work on a “no win no fee” basis if you lose.

Be sure to find out what other clients he has helped in the past. Ask to see his statistics on winning cases, particularly those in the new York state. Contact one of our Civil Rights Lawyers now!

You may also want to check with the local bar association to find out if there are any instances of civil rights lawsuits or discrimination lawsuits filed against a particular lawyer. You may have an issue with one of your colleagues or with the office itself. If you feel uncomfortable, move on to the next lawyer. There is nothing wrong with asking questions.

If you’re filing a New York civil rights lawsuit based upon the violation of a specific New York statute, you must abide by the statute limitations. Statute limitations are typically one or two years in most state law statutes. Most statute limitations will allow you to file a lawsuit within one year of the date that the violation occurred.

If you are filing a New York civil rights lawsuit based on alleged police misconduct, it is important that you retain an attorney who is very familiar with the New York City Police Department (NYPD). If you choose to represent yourself, your choice of attorney should be someone who has experience representing people who have been harmed because of the actions of the New York City police department (or any other agency of the city government).

The current Attorney General Eric Holder is now the New York City Attorney General. It is extremely important that anyone choosing to represent themselves or their family members properly understand the many intricacies involved in this type of case.

You may also want to hire an attorney who specializes in New York civil rights cases and has experience in handling these types of cases. Your best chances for success in pursuing a civil rights lawsuit will be strengthened if you hire an attorney who has experience in handling cases similar to yours. Attorneys who have handled these types of cases will know the ins and outs of the system better than those who have not.

They will know the best way to build a strong defense to get you the compensation that you deserve. If you are harmed due to the actions of the police in New York City, you may need an attorney who has handled cases similar to yours before you even file your initial lawsuit. Contact one of our Civil Rights Lawyers now!


civil rights lawyers nyc

Choosing the right Civil Rights lawyers in New York City

There are many benefits to hiring a civil rights attorney to represent you. Many people do not realize what these laws mean and some may feel intimidated by the law. Below is a short description of New York Civil Rights Lawyers and what they can do for you.

In our nation, the civil rights law is enforced through various agencies and offices. Civil rights lawyers protect groups and individuals from religious discrimination and other civil rights violation through litigation and settlement negotiations. The first right protected in civil rights law is the right to freedom of speech, religion, and assembly. This protects your right to peacefully assemble or protest peacefully. Contact one of our Civil Rights Lawyers now.

In addition to the right to freedom of speech and assembly, the second right guaranteed in civil rights lawyers is the right to be free from discrimination. This right includes being a member of a protected class and being subjected to employment discrimination. There are many ways that people are discriminated against in the workplace including age, race, gender, disability, pregnancy, national origin, marital status, political affiliation, and much more. Being a member of a protected class entitles you to equal treatment with other individuals who are not members of that protected class.

If you are a victim of employment discrimination, civil rights lawyers will be able to obtain monetary compensation for past and future damages. In New York City, there are also laws protecting against discrimination based on nationality, origin, disability, education, pregnancy, sexual orientation, and more. If you feel that you have been a victim of unlawful discrimination, you can file a complaint in civil court.

Even if you feel that you were not a victim of discrimination, but have been the victim of hostile environment, New York civil rights lawyers can help you file a complaint for past and future damages. As previously stated, there are many types of discrimination including: age, race, gender, national origin, age, pregnancy, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and more.

If you think that you have experienced employment discrimination, the first thing you should do is to get New York civil rights lawyers to represent you. You should start by getting a free consultation so that you can discuss how you should proceed. Civil rights lawyers should then take your case and file it in court as soon as possible.

If the company you are working for goes to court, they stand a good chance of losing because they would lose any case if they have to go through a long legal process and have to hire lots of experts and many thousands of dollars in legal fees. In most cases, settling out of court is much more affordable and also allows companies to avoid large monetary damages that can come along with a long court battle. Contact one of our Civil Rights Lawyers now.

How can you protect yourself from future violation of your civil liberties in New York? You should not hesitate to get help when you feel that you are being mistreated or when someone is infringing on your civil and human rights. The best way to learn more about your rights in New York is to call a civil rights lawyer who will explain them in great detail.

However, even if you just need information about what the law states regarding discrimination, there are many free sources of information at the New York State Department of Social Services website that you can access.

If you want to learn more about New York City civil rights cases, you can get more information on the internet or through your local library. You should know that all residents of the state are protected by the federal and state laws. Your local library has many resources for you to research this topic.

It is important that you learn about discrimination if you are a minority or if you have been a victim of any forms of discrimination. This type of information could help you fight back when it comes to employment, education, housing, health care, and more.

Another area where you can learn more about New York civil rights cases is at your local police brutality trial. You may want to attend court to watch how the defense lawyer attempts to attack the testimony of the arresting officer. In recent years, the number of police brutality incidents has risen dramatically.

Many people have been injured or killed because of police brutality, and you may be able to get justice if you file a civil suit against the police department or the individual who was involved in the incident. There are many websites and books available that will help you understand the process better.

Contact one of our Civil Rights Lawyers

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  • $4,221,000 verdict for woman who was raped
  • $1,150,000 settlement for worker who sustained a spinal injury after falling off a U-Haul truck while painting ($1,000,000 insurance policy)
  • $750,000 settlement for passenger in motor vehicle accident who sustained injuries to her knee, shoulder and hip that required surgery
  • $325,000 settlement for woman who sustained burn injuries from a steam pipe in her bathroom
  • $240,000 verdict for passenger in motor vehicle accident that sustained a shoulder injury requiring surgery, neck and back herniations. Plaintiff had prior suit claiming permanent injury to same parts of her body
  • $100,000 verdict for driver in motor vehicle accident that sustained neck and back injuries whose treatment consisted of four months of physical therapy


  • $5,500,000 settlement during trial for parochial school students who were exposed to teacher with Tuberculosis
  • $4,000,000 settlement for construction worker who sustained bilateral ankle fractures requiring open reduction and internal fixation
  • $3,825,000 settlement for wife and children of September 11 World Trade Center victim whose remains were never recovered (pro bono representation)
  • $3,800,000 settlement in medical malpractice action for brain-damaged baby with cerebral palsy and seizures resulting from oxygen deprivation to and water on the brain at birth
  • $3,500,000 settlement for three sisters who were sexually abused by another foster child in the foster home after being placed in foster care by the city of New York
  • $2,400,000 settlement after trial and appeal for union electrician who sustained partial amputations to fingers on both hands when 800 pound spool of cable broke free while being lowered down stairs with make-shift rope pulley — expanded the coverage of Section 240(1) of the Labor Law to include “force of gravity on objects” in addition to falling worker/falling object cases
  • $2,225,000 settlement for pedestrian struck by motor vehicle resulting in 26-day coma, skull fracture, traumatic brain injury, numerous fractures and impaired cognitive and perceptive functions
  • $1,800,000 settlement for construction worker who fell from scaffold and fractured forearm and wrist requiring 3 surgeries and internal fixations
  • $1,700,000 settlement for construction worker who fell off ladder and required spinal surgery with internal fixation that failed
  • $1,450,000 settlement for construction worker who fell through unprotected skylight on roof sustaining arm and leg fractures
  • $1,240,000 settlement for 18- year old as the result of medical malpractice in failing to diagnose cancer
  • $1,000,000 settlement for construction worker who fell down debris-filled staircase at construction site with no handrail resulting in neck surgery, back and hip injuries
  • $1,000,000 settlement for passenger in motor vehicle that was rear-ended resulting in spinal surgery with fusion and internal fixation
  • $950,000 settlement for passenger on interstate bus involved in a collision resulting in traumatic brain injury
  • $875,000 settlement for children of mother who died as a result of failure to diagnose and treat Crohn’s Disease
  • $745,000 settlement for motorcyclist struck by NYPD vehicle resulting in hip and ankle fractures, both of which required open reduction and internal fixation
  • $700,000 settlement for pedestrian who slipped and fell on sidewalk that was not properly shoveled/treated after ice and snow storm resulting in severely comminuted and displaced right arm fracture requiring open reduction and internal fixation and additional surgeries
  • $500,000 settlement for tenant of apartment building who tripped and fell while descending stairs that had just been mopped resulting in fractured left shoulder and multiple surgeries
  • $500,000 settlement for home healthcare worker who tripped and fell due to mis-leveled elevator resulting in closed head injury, impaired cognitive functions, neck, shoulder and back injuries
  • $390,000 settlement for passenger in Police Department van that ran red light and struck another vehicle resulting in injuries to neck, back and shoulder
  • $350,000 settlement for motorist who sustained injuries to neck, back and shoulder when tree fell on his vehicle
  • $275,000 settlement for pedestrian who tripped and fell on raised sidewalk flag resulting in tri-malleolar fracture of ankle requiring open reduction and internal fixation
  • $260,000 settlement for pedestrian who was thrown to the ground by unrestrained dog and sustained fracture to hip which required surgical pinning and fracture to spine
  • $250,000 settlement for commuter who tripped and fell on defective step on staircase in Penn Station resulting in multiple shoulder tears requiring surgical intervention and fractured rib
  • $240,000 settlement for pedestrian crossing street who was struck in crosswalk by turning bus resulting in crush injuries and fractures to her hand
  • $225,000 settlement for bystander who was assaulted by police officers and detained without being arrested who sustained injuries to his face, hand and legs